
Entry (1/4)1  adina
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Fanontaniana: Tia adinadina koa iny Rangahy iny 4  Avina, antsafa, ontany, tanitany 5  Famotopotorana, famakafakana: Raha lalina adina malain-ko diso dia tsara, fa raha lalina adina hitotototo amin' ny tsy mety, ratsy [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  examination, scrutinising. Only used in compounds or derivatives, as tsara adina. [1.2]7  a question, an examination [1.7]
Explanations in French  8  question, examen [1.3, 1.8, 1.5]9  information [1.5]
Examples  10  eto kosa, tantara-na ady no atrehintsika, ka ady mangotraka mifanao maty sy velona mihitsy ary adina foko roa, ny iray mananika, ny iray miaro tena. [2.314]
11  Simple :
12  Active verbs :
13  Passive verbs :
14  Relative verbs :
15  Names :
16  Adjectives :
Synonyms  17  adinadina
Analogs  18  faka, fakafaka, fotopototra, savasava, hadihady, taratara, sikotra, karoka, karokaroka.
Compound words 

Entry (2/4)20  adiña
Part of speech  21  adverb
Explanations in Malagasy  22  foana, ihany, fotsiny: Voky naho sao resake fa leha tsy voky ho mañeke foana [Betsileo] [1.78]
Synonyms  23  mady
Tables and plates  24  All the adverbs

Entry (3/4)25  Adina
Part of speech  26  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  27  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  28  Adina [2.996]
Explanations in French  29  Adîn [2.996]
Examples  30  ny taranak'i adina dia dimy amby dimam-polo amby enin-jato; [2.996]
Biblical quotes  31  Chapters and verses mentioning Adina
Tables and plates  32  Full list
Article  33  Randzavola: Adina ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (4/4)34  Adina
Part of speech  35  noun
Vocabulary  36  Botany: scientific genera
Local names of plants 
37  Adina microcephala  sangandrato, sidindranto, sohy, sorindranto, tsohihy

Anagrams  38  adina, adiña, andia, daina, DIANA, diana, adina, adiña, andia, daina, DIANA, diana

Updated on 2024/09/15